Crafts to do with Your Toddler

I can’t tell you how many times I have parents say they would love to do crafts with their little one but don’t feel they are old enough. I always respond the same way…it simply isn’t so. Crafts offer your child an opportunity to work on their gross and fine motor skills, hone in on their creativity, and take ownership of something they created. It is a win all around and I cringe when parents/ caregivers feel it is too messy or too much work. It offers so many skills that they just can’t get from anything else at that toddler age.

How to Get Your Picky Eater to Eat

f you have a child who has limited his or her food choices to pasta with white sauce you may be dealing with a picky eater. When a toddler or young child refuses to eat certain foods or entire food groups, it is called ‘picky eating’. It is not unusual for a young child to turn up their nose at foods especially when they are experiencing a food for the first time.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Does it seem like you have a war going on in your family—with you on one side, and your kids on the other? Many parents feel like they live in the middle of a battle zone and that at any given moment they might step on a landmine. Maybe you have a teen who is disrespectful and says rude and insulting things to you. Perhaps you have a child who won’t stop badgering you and fights with you when you set limits. Maybe your preteen insists on having the final word on everything and puts you down all the time. Or it could be that you, like many parents, feel like your kids act entitled and ungrateful and take advantage of you—and it drives you crazy.

The Stay At Home Mom

SAHM is an acronym for a stay-at-home mom. Typically, a SAHM is a woman who cares for the children while the other partner is working outside the home. Similar, more antiquated terms are a homemaker or housewife, although some people still embrace these monikers for this role.

Behavior Concerns with My Child With Disabilities

You might be weary of trips to the grocery store that end in screaming, or heartbroken that your child does not know what to do at a playground. But things do not always have to be this way. The road to improving behaviors starts with believing that your child – no matter what their behavior looks like now – can change with the right support and knowledge. An important first step for parents of children with disabilities is to understand why behavior problems are happening in the first place.

Baby Formula Differences

I’m telling ya…it can be completely overwhelming when trying to figure out the best formula for your child. I believe that breastfeeding is the mots beneficial for your babies development but there are times when breastfeeding just isn’t goin well…or your child is suffering from serious allergies, or maybe your child has a hard time breastfeeding so your supply doesn’t come in as strong as needed. I get it. As a momma of three beautiful baby girls, I understand the trials and tribulations that come with trying to feed your baby right. Because of this, I have done some research on the different formulas and what is best for your baby when breastfeeding isn’t an option.

Let the School Year Begin!

Whether you have a school-aged child or not, the start of a new school affects us all. Summer activities and camps come to an end, the weather starts changing, and some children you have at home, are gone for the day and leave the little ones at home with the caregiver. It is just different and it takes some adjusting. So how do we help children adapt to a changing schedule with little to no setbacks?

Back to School…Starting a Routine

It’s that time of year…back to school shopping has started and the first day jitters are creeping back into your littles tummies as they prepare for their first day of school. Whether your first day back falls before or after Labor Day, most of us are mentally preparing for August/September and what the new schedule will look like when summer comes to an end.

Parent Resources You Will Want to Save

Let’s talk about where to go to learn about things pertaining to kids. As a parent to 3 young daughters, it can get frustrating trying to find the right place to go, the right movie to watch that I feel confident letting my 4 year old watch, the right healthy snack that they will eat with a smile, the right activities to do as a family, fun things in the community, great parks, etc. With such a flood of information on the internet these days, it can get tricky trying to navigate your way through it all.

Help For My Child(ren)

Hi, I’m Mary and I have a passion for connecting families in our area with resources that will benefit their children. My husband and I have been blessed with three beautiful daughters and never would have imagined the story we would be able to share through our own personal trials.

Family Pictures…What Should We Wear?

I am a bit obsessed with getting family pictures done. I think it captures the moment we are at, in time with our ages and interests. It holds that moment forever and you can enjoy it whenever. That being said, each year when the time is approaching, I do begin to stress about what we should wear for the photo shoot. I have taken many spins on color schemes and thought I would share.

Mommy Guilt…It’s Inevitable!

Gah-Who else has Mom (or Dad) guilt? I hate to say it, but parenting in general can cause stresses that stir up guilt that can truly make you down and depressed about your own parenting styles or how you interact with your child(ren). Most mom’s I have chatted with have had that pit in their stomach where they feel se terrible about their interaction with one of their kids and making it better seems impossible. I get it. Been there, done that! Just because we suffer from the occasional mom or dad guilt doesn’t mean we are bad parents or there is something wrong with us, it just means we are conscious of our parenting and what we are doing right and wrong in a moment’s time. You may be asking, what exactly is “mom guilt” and how do I navigate through it? Great questions!

Preschool at Home

Have you ever wondered if you were capable of teaching your preschooler at home? How do you teach them? Do you have them sit still and listen? What do you teach them? HOW do you teach them? How often should you teach them? Is preschool necessary? I am here to tell you that you ABSOLUTELY are capable and I am also here to answer the questions listed above for you! I will take each question and break it down for you.

End of Summer Fun Activities

As summer is starting to wind down…I can’t even believe I am typing that seeing that I feel like summer JUST started…it is fun to reflect on what you have been able to do and what you would like to do before the start of school. I know for us, we like parks, swimming, the zoo and crafting.

Father’s Day Fun

One of the things our family loves doing is celebrating any holiday…like…ANY HOLIDAY!!! What better holiday to celebrate than uplifting your father for doing an amazing job as a daddy. Father’s Day is an opportunity for me to get creative and pamper the man my girls call Daddy.

Games our Family Cannot Live Without

SUMMER HAS ARRIVED!!! As much as I LOVE being outdoors in the warmer months, I also LOVE me some board games on those rainy or WAY TOO HOT days! The month of Summer is usually synonymous with three things – the scorching heat, mouth-watering mangoes and happy children running around the house enjoying their much-needed summer vacations.

Family Dog

The family dog…or should I say the dog that Mom and Dad take care of?!?

In all seriousness, we are extremely grateful we have a pup that completes our family…regardless of who may be the one actually taking care of him. Having a family dog does offer a chance for your children to experience a sense of responsibility. We have a rotating schedule in our house where one week one child is in charge of the dog food and the other in charge of the water dish…the youngest gets off easy at this point. I was surprised at how much the kiddos love helping to take care of the pup…named Barley. There is the occasional “Oops, I forgot to feed the dog!” moment, but for the most part, our family is working as a team to raise a well-loved puppy.